Episode 6
It's getting late
It was so cool visiting everyone!
The root told me where to find the .COM server.
The TLD server gave me the Authoritative name servers addresses.
Then, ns1.dnsimple.com gave me the IP for dnsimple.com.
Finally, here we are, I can now deliver the answer.
Resolver! It's about time! I have been waiting a few milliseconds now. I thought you were lost!
Hi OS! I'll tell you about my trip later.Here is your answer...
dnsimple.com IP address:
Great! I'll save this so I don't have to bother you again if he asks for dnsimple.com.
Did someone mention me?
Yes! Quick! Ask whatever you need.
Finally! I was considering displaying one of those funny gifs to entertain my audience while you were away.Oh, well, maybe later.
Connecting to
Hi! Could you please send me your HTML content?
Sure thing! On the way!
Here we go...
It's getting late.I'll watch that last video on youtube.
Youtube? That, I know where to find!
Well, we have completed our journey and this story is coming to an end.
We hope you have enjoyed it!
Don't be a stranger! We're on twitter. @dnsimple
Thank you for reading!
Is that it? Is this the end for real? No way!
There is one more Bonus Episode!
Read Bonus Episode