

Thank you for thinking about adding a new translation for our comic! We'll be excited to add it to our site. This text is lengthy, but we hope it provides all the information that you need.

Translations are provided in YAML. At the end of this introduction, you'll find the complete YAML file in English. You can use it as a template for your translation.

⚠️ Things you must know:

Text that cannot be translated

If the text is not inside a speech bubble or enclosed in a black, white or red rectangle, we won't be able to translated at the moment.

For example, the following text cannot be translated in episode:

Multiple speech bubbles on a frame

Some frames have more than one speech bubble or black/red rectangle. For example, in episode 2, on frame 4.

Here's is how you'll be able to translate those frames:

  # This frame has 1 speech bubble.
  1: "This is how DNS work."

  # And this one 2 speech bubbles.
  2-1: "Let me check if I know about first, before I annoy the OS again."
  2-2: "*sigh*... nothing"

Sending the translation

You can send us the translation however you like. See the complete YAML file template at the end of these instructions.

You'll be able to preview your work before we officially release it.

We'll ask you to provide us with a link to your website or social media account so we can attribute this work to you. See for an example.

I hope this helps! Please let us know if you get stuck or have any further questions.

Looking forward to see your work!

Template YAML file

  # Author
    source: "Name and link to social media"

  # Navigation
    episodes: "Episodes"
    episode: "Episode"
    about: "About"
    video: "Video"
    ep1: "The website is unknown"
    ep2: "Road trip"
    ep3: "Top of the hierarchy"
    ep4: ".HOT .PIZZA .COM"
    ep5: "Respect my authority!"
    ep6: "It's getting late"
    ep7: "Bonus: Glue records"
    social: "Be a social cat"
    more_comics: "Read more comics"
    next_ep: "Next Episode"

  # Home page
    title: "How DNS Works"
    p1: "A fun and colorful explanation of how DNS works."
    p2: "Hey there! We made this comic to explain what happens when you type a website address in your browser."
    p3: "Enjoy! No jetpacks required."
    cta: "Start reading now"

  # Episodes
    7: "FREEZE!"
    8: "Computers and other devices communicate using IP addresses to identify each other on the internet."
    9: "But humans can't remember IP addresses, so they use words."
    10: "The domain name system (DNS) brings the two together and gets you to your destination."
    11: "This is how DNS works"
    12: "Wait! What? A new request for me? This guy has nothing better to do than to browse around all day."
    13-1: "Let me check if I know about first, before I annoy the OS again"
    13-2: "*sigh*... nothing"
    14: "Hey OS! Are you there? I need a quick favor from you. Do you know where I can find"
    15-1: "TOO_BUSY_ERR"
    15-2: "Doing a backup"
    16: "puh-puh-puhlease? Can you check?"
    17: "Checking now..."
    18-1: "Nope. I don't know where it is..."
    18-2: "...But I know who to ask..."
    19: "RESOLVER"
    20: "The browser and the OS both searched their cache first to see if they knew the IP for But since they didn't, the OS is calling the resolver."
    21-1: "Who is that mysterious resolver guy? What will he do?"
    21-2: "Find out in the next episode of how DNS works."

    9: "A new request for me? A-W-E-S-O-M-E"
    10: " Sure thing!"
    11: "Checking my cache first..."
    12-1: "Not there!"
    12-2: "How can I find this website?"
    13: "Let's ask the root!"
    14-1: "The resolver server is usually your ISP (Internet Service Provider). All resolvers must know one thing: where to locate the root server."
    14-2: "Resolver"
    15: "The root server knows where to locate the .COM TLD server. TLD stands for Top-Level Domain."
    16-1: "Ladies and gentleman, welcome to flight R0XX to the root server. The weather is..."
    16-2: "Not my kind of road trip!"
    17: "A few milliseconds later..."
    18-1: "Thank you for flying with us. We hope to welcome you on board again."
    18-2: "Finally!"
    19: "Oh boy! I hope root is here!"
    21: "Who's there? What do you seek?"
    22-1: "Will the resolver find his way to"
    22-2: "Find out in the next episode of how DNS works."

    4: "NEXT!"
    5: "NNNEEEEXXXXT!!!"
    6: "What can I help you with?"
    7: "Root, I am trying to locate the IP address for the website"
    8: "Do you know where I can find it?"
    9: "Sorry resolver. I don't know where to find"
    10: "But I can tell you where to find the .COM Top-level domain server!"
    11: ""
    12: "But first, I'll store this information, so I don't have to ask the root again."
    13: "This root server is just one of the 13 root name servers that exist today."
    14: "Root servers sit at the top of the DNS hierarchy."
    15: "They are scattered around the globe and operated by 12 independent organisations."
    16: "They are named [letter] where [letter] ranges from A to M."
    17: "This doesn't mean that we have only 13 physical servers to support the whole internet!"
    18: "Each organisation provides multiple physical servers distributed around the globe."
    23-1: "Not my kind of road trip"
    23-2: "But we are now here..."
    24-1: "How will the .COM TLD server help our friend the resolver?"
    24-2: "Find out in the next episode of how DNS works."

    3: "Well, it's much more comfortable than I imagined..."
    4: "...What do you do when they recommend 'room temperature' for certain drinks?"
    6: "Sorry! I am looking for, do you know where I can find it?"
    7: "Now, that's a great question!"
    8: "The coordination of most top-level domains (TLDs) belong to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)"
    9-1: "The .COM TLD was one of the first created in 1985."
    9-2: "And today, it is the largest TLD on the internet."
    10-1: "Other type of TLDs include:"
    10-2: "1. Country code TLDs. Usually, their 2 letter ISO code."
    11: "2. Internationalized country code TLDs."
    12-1: "3. Generic TLDs: .NET, .ORG, .EDU, etc..."
    12-2: "Usually, TLDs with 3 or more letters."
    13-1: "4. Infrastructure TLDs: .ARPA, mostly used for reverse DNS lookups."
    13-2: "The opposite of what we are doing now."
    13-3: "We are doing this:"
    13-4: "Reverse DNS does this:"
    14: "And today, many new generic TLDs are being created!"
    15: "Now, back to your question resolver!"
    16: "I am afraid I don't know the IP address for"
    17: "But I have found the name servers!"
    18: "Great! I'll store that information for later"
    20: "The .COM found the authoritative name servers for the domain"
    21-1: "But what do these names mean?"
    21-2: "We'll find out very soon..."
    22: "So the journey continues..."
    23-1: "Who are the authoritative name servers?"
    23-2: "Find out in the next episode of how DNS works."

    2: "How could the .COM TLD server point me to the authoritative name servers?"
    3: "How could he make the connection? There are so many .COM domains!"
    4: "Easy! With the help of the Domain Registrar!"
    5: "When a domain is purchased, the domain registrar reserves the name..."
    6: "... and communicates to the TLD registry the authoritative name servers."
    7: "We have arrived!"
    8: "Papers, please!"
    9: "Oh! I'll be quick. I have no intention of staying here. I am looking for"
    10: "Papers, please!"
    11: "Oh boy! The only thing I have is a request for The .COM TLD told me that could tell me where I could locate the IP address."
    12: "Well, in that case..."
    13: "I am"
    14: "And I can provide you with that answer!"
    15: "Currently there are 4 of us that know how to resolve any domain managed by"
    16-1: "We provide answers to DNS queries: Websites, e-mail, ..."
    16-2: "We are the ultimate authority on this stuff."
    17: "No cached values. Not asking someone else. Only the real deal."
    18: "You see, usually there is more than one name server attached to any domain."
    19-1: "You, the resolver, you are given this list in some unknown order."
    19-2: "You might query the first name server in the list."
    19-3: "OR NOT! We have to be ready!"
    20-1: "Because there is more of us, the work load is better distributed."
    20-2: "And the DNS zone availability is increased."
    21: "Especially in case of a failure!"
    22-1: "So if you want to know who are the authoritative name servers for your domain, run a WHOIS query."
    22-2: "There are a few websites that provide this information."
    23: "So here you go:"
    24: "What?"
    25-1: " IP address is:"
    25-2: "Anything else?"
    26: "Uh, no. Thanks!"
    27: "I guess I'll save that."
    28: "The resolver finally got the answer he was looking for! Hurray for the Authoritative name server!"
    29: "Time to go home!"
    30-1: "Will the resolver make it back home in time?"
    30-2: "Find out in the next episode of how DNS works."

    3: "JETPACKS"
    4: "It was so cool visiting everyone!"
    5: "The root told me where to find the .COM server."
    6: "The TLD server gave me the Authoritative name servers addresses."
    7: "Then, gave me the IP for"
    8: "Finally, here we are, I can now deliver the answer."
    9: "JETPACKS"
    10: "Resolver! It's about time! I have been waiting a few milliseconds now. I thought you were lost!"
    11-1: "Hi OS! I'll tell you about my trip later."
    11-2: "Here is your answer..."
    12: " IP address:"
    13: "Great! I'll save this so I don't have to bother you again if he asks for"
    14: "Did someone mention me?"
    15: "Yes! Quick! Ask whatever you need."
    16-1: "Finally! I was considering displaying one of those funny gifs to entertain my audience while you were away."
    16-2: "Oh, well, maybe later."
    17: "Connecting to"
    19: "Hi! Could you please send me your HTML content?"
    20: "Sure thing! On the way!"
    21: "Here we go..."
    24-1: "It's getting late."
    24-2: "I'll watch that last video on youtube."
    25: "Youtube? That, I know where to find!"
    26: "Well, we have completed our journey and this story is coming to an end."
    27: "We hope you have enjoyed it!"
    28: "Don't be a stranger! We're on twitter."
    29: "Thank you for reading!"
    31-1: "Is that it? Is this the end for real? No way!"
    31-2: "There is one more Bonus Episode!"
    31-3: "Read Bonus Episode"

    1: "Wait..."
    2: "Something is missing here!"
    3: "How could the resolver find '' before ''?"
    4: "Since '' is a subdomain of '', how could we resolve '' without resolving '' first?"
    5: "Isn't the search going backwards?"
    6: "Wouldn't we get stuck in a loop at some point?"
    7: "For example, let's say that the authoritative server for is"
    8-1: "If I wanted to browse, the .COM TLD would tell me to get the IP address from the authoritative server:"
    8-2: "Go ask"
    9-1: " is a subdomain of"
    9-2: "We cannot get to a subdomain without getting to the domain first!"
    10: "Stuck in a loop!"
    11: "So, what happened? How come the resolver was able to find '' through ''?"
    12-1: "Simple!"
    12-2: "Glue records!"
    13: "Glue records?"
    14: "Exactly!"
    15-1: "Awesome!"
    15-2: "I'll explain then!"
    16: "When the resolver asked the .COM TLD about, extra information was attached to that response."
    17: "The resolver got at least one IP address for each name server."
    18: "We call that the glue!"
    19: "So the resolver not only got the name of the authoritative name server, it also got the IP address."
    20: "Thus breaking the circular dependency."
    21: "Nice! I understand it now!"
    22: "Glue records rock!"
    23-1: "Yes, they do!"
    23-2: "hahaha, thanks!"
    25: "You made it through the end! Now is a good time to watch the video that we made for this comic!"
    26-1: "Watch this short animation based on this comic. They finally have a voice!"
    26-2: "Watch video"

    title: "Meet DNSimple"
    1: "A few people wrote in to ask what DNSimple is about. Great question!"
    2: "Our goal: Providing a domain management service that makes your life easier."
    3: "We started DNSimple because we were tired of confusing, complicated domain management."
    4: "We were tired of complex pricing."
    5: "We were tired of constantly being bombarded by up-selling."
    6: "Frankly, we were tired."
    7-1: "We want to register a domain and set it up with as little effort as possible."
    7-2: "We want to be able to automate everything."
    8: "This is why we built and nurture DNSimple."
    9: "With our custom DNS records, one-click setups, Slack app, and APIs, taking care of your domains and online business is actually enjoyable."
    10: "We provide a fully automated way to request, renew, and install SSL certificates."
    11: "So get started now by automating your domain management."
    12: "We can't wait to see you!"